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To prepare your society for the transition to the new Act, Registries has developed a transition guide. This guide sets out basic information about the transition process and other matters your society may wish to consider over the coming months. This guide is available for download at: www.gov.bc.ca/SocietiesAct.
Please be advised that an email address will be necessary to log on to the new electronic filing system. If this is not a valid email address for your society, please provide us with an up-to-date email address. Send your email along with your Society Number to BCRegistries@gov.bc.ca, and add this address to your contacts to ensure spam filters do not block delivery.
If you have any questions please feel free to send them to BCRegistries@gov.bc.ca or info@bowlsbc.com
About Bowls BC
Bowls BC, is the governing body responsible for lawn bowls in British Columbia. In partnership with Lawn Bowling Clubs across the Province, Bowls BC will facilitate the growth and development of an exceptional sporting community experience that is appealing, healthy and accessible to all – visit www.bowlsbc.com