BC Hosts 1st Test Match With Alberta

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The Test Match held May 25-27 in Juan de Fuca against Alberta was a great success for both Teams.The Senior and Youth players melded well and put up a great show. Juniors were able to play alongside seasoned veterans.
The event provides Juniors and U25 the opportunity to learn and develop skills conducive to the
guidelines outlined in the LTAD and Sport for Life. The players formed new comraderies, ate together and shared their expertise.

Teams were served three Lunches, two breakfasts and a Pizza dinner. The greens were measured on Sunday and were running at 14.3 seconds. Although BC won the Challenge handily, there were many close games that went down to the wire and the results favoured BC. It is recommended that we continue with the Alberta VS BC Challenge as an Annual Event.

A big thank you to the Members of Juan de Fuca Lawn Bowling Club for Hosting this Test Match. Thank you to all the markers, umpires, spectators, photographers and participants. We look forward to 2019.



Women’s Team                 Women’s Team

Josephine Lee                    Amanda Berg
Lynda Robbins                   Jenn McDonald
Anne Van Bastelaere           Pauline Wong
Carah Webster (20)            Alexis Gallacher   (15)
Sierra Trueman (16)            Kiera Schaelow   (14)

Men’s Team                      Men’s Team

Christie Grahame                Greg Wilson
Hirendra Bhartu                  Jon McDonald
Stephen Yung                     Kevin Dusablon
Trevor Birrell (15)                Mike O’Reilly
Jason Valchar (16)              Francis Standen

Davie Mathie
Bowls BC Team Coach.

Lynn Chwartacki
Bowls BC Team Manager.

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