For the past two days 184 senior students, grades 11 and 12 from Eric Hamber Secondary School visited the Pacific Indoor Bowls Club for some fun and informative Bowls Sessions with Vince Mai and a group of PIBC Volunteers, that included President Alice Duncalf.
Over the two days, 8 different classes, 4 each day, came in to learn about the the equipment used, rules and the fundamentals of the sport. It was a great chance for the students to see what the sport and indoor facility had to offer. Phrases as “this isn’t easy at all” to “its a lot harder then I thought” and of course “why did the bowl bend that way” came from a range of students throughout the day.
This is the second year in a row that Eric Hamber Secondary School has visited the PIBC. A great relationship has been formed with the schools physical education department, one that will hopefully continue on over the coming years. This is just one of many schools that are starting to include lawn bowling in their programs throughout the year here in the Province of BC.
The school is a public secondary school located in the Oakridge area between Van Dusen Gardens and Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver, BC. A big thank you to all the teachers at Eric Hamber that to continue to support the Sport of Lawn Bowls.