Launch of the Pilot Safe Sport Strategy

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New Press Release from Bowls Canada: We are pleased to announce the launch of the pilot Safe Sport Strategy and the accompanying Safe Sport 101 resource hub.  This strategy and set of resources was developed to empower clubs to develop safe, welcoming and inclusive environments where bowlers want to stay and belong.  We believe that implementation will help clubs increase retention rates and improve recruitment rates.

The policy templates and most resources are already available in both official languages despite the pilot status.  The last two remaining video resources are currently in translation and will be posted shortly.

A live webinar is planned for October 20th at 7:30 pm EDT to allow clubs and provincial association representatives to ask questions on how to tailor resources to meet their needs.  In order to register, participants will need to:

  1. Contact Casey Donnelly to indicate their interest ( no later than October 17th.
  2. Watch the Safe Sport Help video (less than five minutes)
  3. Watch the Safe Sport Policy video (less than 10 minutes)
  4. Download the Implementation Guide (available in the Log In section of
  5. Watch the Implementation Video (less than 20 minutes, available in the Log In section of
  6. Review the policy templates (in the Log In section of

For information on the Safe Sport Strategy or on how to access the Log In section of, please contact Casey Donnelly at

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