The 2015 Tiger Bowls World Invitational tournament in Hong Kong is set to take place March 14-15th 2015. Team BC is there to represent Canada for the Men’s division as they earned the right by winning last years Gold Medal in Winnipeg, MN. This is the first year that Bowls Canada has sent the two Gold Medal winning teams for both Men and Women from the Canadian Championships to represent our country. Team Saskatchewan is representing Canada for the Women’s Division.
Team Canada Men consists of (Skip): Cary Manns, (Vice): Vince Mai, (2nd): Kinon Lau, (Lead): Clement Law. Due to a prior commitment Cary couldn’t make the tournament so he is being replaced by Keith Roney from Saskatchewan. Team Canada Women: (Skip): Jean Roney (Vice): Clem Grant, (2nd) Jordan Kos, (Lead) Carolyn Jones.
We wish the team best of luck. You can follow along with results from the HKLB website: http://www.hklba.org/new/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1115%3Atiger-bowls-2013-132013&catid=57%3Amember-notice&Itemid=231&lang=en
Format and Conditions of Play
Day 1 – Ranking Stage
- 72 men teams will be divided into 12 groups. Teams in each group will compete in a round-robin format of 5 games.
- At completion of the ranking stage, all teams will be ranked according to their game results. The top 36 teams will be grouped in Cup Section and the remaining teams will be grouped in Plate Section.
Day 2 – Qualifying Stage
- Teams will be grouped according to their results. Each team will play 5 matches against teams in their group. All teams will be ranked within their Section.
- After completion of Qualifying Stage, the top 4 teams of the Cup and Plate Sections will be qualified for Knock-out Stage.
Day 2 – Knock-out Stage
- The top 4 teams of Cup Section and the top 4 teams of the Plate Section will play the semi-finals and finals under single knock-out format.